

The UrbanUp Initiative

The urban population of India has seen rapid growth in the recent past. As per the Indian Census, over 30% of the total population of India resides in the urban areas and a large a number of urban inhabitants do not have access to affordable housing with even the most basic facilities. UrbanUp is an innovative program based on the concept of low-cost housing, constructed with a sustainable approach for the vulnerable sections of the society. This sustainable model centred around maintaining a low carbon footprint within Bangalore uses eco-friendly technologies, robust design, material management, zero-waste programme, effective debris management, water conservation, energy efficient systems and clean constructing process.

Striding towards a better world

UrbanUp represents an ambitious endeavour, with its objective not just limited to the completion of the project, but also to act as a model for future affordable housing programs. It will, thus, pave the way towards inclusive growth and improved standards of living for the underprivileged inhabitants of urban India, who have been neglected and abandoned in the wake of unsustainable progress. The aim of this ground-breaking initiative is to involve the community at large, bringing people together under the banner of a noble cause that promises to usher in a better world, filled with hope and joy for all.


The UrbanUp Vision

Our vision offers innovative solutions to supply affordable housing and our idea has the potential to meet the challenge of providing rapid affordable mass housing where demand continues to far outweigh supply. Before making our sustainable housing strategy UrbanUp’s research team had conducted extensive studies to understand the problem of unaffordable housing and its causes.

After interacting with hundreds of families affected by lack of housing, the UrbanUp team surmised that a whole host of structural and other financial limitations have choked the social housing sector, and thus giving rise to the problem of unaffordable urban housing.

During the research it was also found that the earning members of a low-income household are more often than not employed in the informal sector which has no job security. This implies that their income streams display a high level of volatility and substantial variation over time. In this context, ownership based housing models with loan components have a high risk of default, especially if the household does not have multiple income earners.

- Mihir Menda

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Sustainability is sensibility

The UrbanUp project would be considered soon as "India's First Tobacco Free - Urban Community! The project would focus on maximizing social connectivity with minimal ecological impact. Its features would include Self Help Groups for the economic viability of the beneficiaries, a model community for the Bengaluru city on saving of Water, Energy and Waste segregation. The project would connect housing and Healthcare through community development with a fitness center and frequent free medical check- ups. The design and process adopted shall be such that they are easy to understand and are replicated by different implementation teams. Also the processes shall be documented properly so that any other team implementing it can do so easily. Efficient design of Uranup houses makes sure we return real value to the owners.

  • Affordable access to a housing

  • Better Environmental protection and sanitary conditions

  • Improved Health and lower accidents of illness

  • Contribution towards climate adaptation and mitigation

  • Better conditions for human development, employment, creativity and economic growth.

  • More sustainable and socially inclusive urban growth

  • Durability and low maintenance cost

  • Providing ways to encourage community cohesion

  • Improved efficiency and savings on the use of energy, water and other physical economic resources.

  • Thermally efficient with maximise daylight

  • Minimise maintenance costs and encourage recycling

Low Carbon Initiatives

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Social Commitment Focus Areas

Ensure the safety sustainablity and physical condtion of social housing
Overall and over time increase the number of social housing homes
Maintain affordability for lowest-income household in social housing homes
Enable the transformation of the social housing sector to become increasingly dynamic innovative and self-sustaining

Partnering For Brighter Future

Together we can. Together we will!

We believe that it is possible to create a low-cost yet high-class construction with sustainable technology. It's conceivable to design, build and deliver affordable housing for the weaker sections of society and make India a hub for offordable housing.

In the present scenario, it is essential to adopt cost effective, innovative and eco-friendly housing technologies for the construction. The need of the hour is to create an ecosystem that fosters environmental, social, cultural and economic resiliency in order to heal our fractured world.